Monday, January 22, 2007

A Community of Leadership

Here's my starter for 10 on values of a Community of Leadership:

Community - OK so its basic, but I think the value we already hold as a community (see below) could inform our leadership commitments more fully. How well are we living "life together in authentic community that engages deeply, responds instinctively and supports freely"? Community takes time: I think we should be looking for ways to extend the level of community we offer each other. If we are to be bearers of community to others, we must model it at the heart of who we are as a leadership.

Leadership - Alright so I'm being sort of ironic and obvious. But. We do have to lead. Leadership is costly. There's no escaping that. What I'm keen to see is something which frees us to lead more. If we move on from meeting together as regularly, what leadership activities will be freed up as a result? I have this picture of much more leading of people going on. As a value I guess this looks like making room for the activity of leadership in our individual and collective lives.

That's it from me for the moment. Keen to hear what else is simmering out there!


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